ABP has grown into an international business but we never forget our roots. Find out where we’re coming from, as a business and as people.
ABP’s vision is simple. To be the best at everything we do. Being a market leader comes with responsibilities. You also have to lead on quality, traceability and sustainability.
It’s our responsibility as leaders in the market to show the way, and encourage our entire industry to follow a sustainable path.
This is ABP’s Advantage Beef Programme, a dynamic new enterprise partnership that helps farmers build a sustainable beef business.
Teagasc estimates that nationally across drystock farms grass utilisation is low at an estimated 5.6ft DM/ha, which is only 58% of its potential. Reseeding to incorporate higher performing perenial ryegrass varieties will greatly increase grass grown, grass quality and its ability to respond the Nitrogen.
You should aim to reseed 10-15% of your farm every year. Use your knowledge of the farms history and performance to choose which fields to reseed:
If using a min-mill type of cultivation, test the soil before spraying off, results can take up to 2 weeks to come back so forward planning is required. If you are ploughing the field, take a soil sample after the field has been ploughed as this will give you the most accurate results. These results may not come back on time for reseeding so Lime, P & K requirements will need to be rectified at a later date.
Spray the field off with a glyphosate spray and leave for a minimum of 7-10 days. If heavy weed infestation is present, it may be necessary to leave it longer for these to fully die.
Regardless of whether ploughing or using min-till cultivation methods it is important to create a fine, firm seedbed. This ensures optimum seed soil contact leading to successful germination.
Lime is essential when sowing, regardless of lime requirements. As the old sward decays, it increases the acidity of the soil which creates undesirable conditions for the seedling to germinate. Applying lime counteracts this issue, all reseeds should receive a minimum of 2 tonne/acre of lime.
For more information or to join Advantage Beef, download our brochure or contact us. T: +353 (0)52 744 1444 E: advantagebeefprogramme@abpireland.com